Musical Eggs: A Musical EGGS-perience
“Musical Eggs” is a musical EGGS-perience composed and performed by Teresa Pocock. Played on a “Push 2” keyboard (and two dozen eggs).
Screened at SFU Woodward’s Emerge Festival Showcase for DTES Small Arts Grant Winners. Thank you to the Vancouver Foundation for their support.
Photos from Emerge Festival:
Some Tweets:
Great video @TeresaPocock! I was worried one of the eggs was going to break so it was dramatic to watch. Thank you for sharing your talent.
— Helen Ries (@helenries) June 7, 2018
I took 5 minutes to watch this one and yes, @TeresaPocock you are egg-ceptional! I have never seen eggs played like that. Loved how all of the music and egg movement fit together. And loved seeing you smile and have fun doing it.
— Yona Lunsky (@yonalunsky) June 7, 2018
Eggs-hausted? Take a 3-minute break and watch “Musical Eggs" by @TeresaPocock Screened June 6/18 at @SFU_W Emerge Festival Showcase for DTES Small Arts Grant Winners. Thnx @VancouverFdn #DTESSAG #Downsyndrome #innovative #music
— Franke James (@frankejames) June 8, 2018
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