Pretty Amazing: How I Found Myself in the Downtown Eastside
Where to buy Teresa Pocock’s book. Pretty Amazing: How I Found Myself in the Downtown Eastside is available on:
- (Pretty Amazing)
- Kindle (Pretty Amazing)
- Apple iBook (Pretty Amazing)
- (Pretty Amazing)
Book Description:
What does Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside look like through the eyes of an artist-an artist who also happens to have Down syndrome? The heart of Pretty Amazing is the unexpected story of Teresa Pocock finding herself as an artist and poet. Previously, Teresa’s artistic expression was discouraged and ridiculed. Her opening poem, I Am Alive, packs added punch when you know that her future was written off a few years ago when she lived in Ontario. Teresa was forced into an Ontario nursing home against her will. The health-care system had wrapped her in-as disability advocate Paul Young aptly describes it -“a cocoon of impossibility.” Against her wishes, Teresa’s liberty and freedom was traded for a single bed in an end-of-life nursing home. It was a violation of her human rights. She did not want to be there. Teresa had things to do, places to go, and people to meet! In the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, Teresa has found her voice. It is a voice that talks about feeling “butterflies,” but still finds the courage to fly.
Pretty Amazing is available in Paperback or Kindle at and
About the Artist/Author
Teresa Pocock is an artist and poet living in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. In 2016, she won a DTES Small Arts Grant from the Vancouver Foundation which enabled her to create her first book, Pretty Amazing: How I found myself in the Downtown Eastside. Teresa exhibited 18 “Pretty Amazing” artworks as 4ft x 5ft posters in her first solo show at Gallery Gachet which launched on June 29, and wrapped up on July 2.
As a self-advocate with Down syndrome, Teresa presented her story, I Love My Human Rights, at the 2016 Canadian Down Syndrome Conference in Montreal. Teresa is a member of the BC Civil Liberties Association, Gallery Gachet, Inclusion BC, Family Support Institute of BC, and the Canadian Down Syndrome Society. She loves chicken pie, word play and spotting the big boats in the Burrard Inlet.
In Canada, buy Teresa’s book at Pretty Amazing: How I Found Myself in the Downtown Eastside
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